Why You Need To Hire A Web Designer

When was the last time your organization took a long, hard look at your website? As the premier marketing agency for a field of primarily left-brained people, we would like to call attention to your dot com. We've been working from home (thanks, COVID), cruising through the internet day after day, and we've noticed that some in our industry need a virtual facelift.




And by facelift, we mean a professional website redesign created by a professional website designer.

Yes - you can try and tackle web work on your own, but if you DIY it, here are all the benefits you will miss out on:

A Dynamic, High-Quality Site Worthy of 2021

The worst thing that can happen when looking for a product or service is when you finally find what you are looking for and head to the company website and *gasp* ...it looks like it was created when the world wide web was born - which was 1989 (in case you were wondering). Having an outdated website hurts your business. The quality of services or products offered looks diminished, making your competitors who have updated websites look distinguished. And it's not just us saying this; according to Stanford web credibility research guidelines, 75% of consumers admit that they judge a business' credibility based on their website design.


Online Strategy

As a part of our website design services, Aerospace Marketing Lab keeps your marketing strategy and organizational goals in mind while creating your site. With online strategy and website analytics, you can answer the 'why' behind your marketing strategy, determine effective keywords, highlight geographic locations for your users - pieces that prove extremely useful in creating strategies to improve your leads, sales, and profits.


Responsive Design

Websites must be mobile-friendly and optimized to adapt to various interfaces. According to comScore, the number of users accessing content online through their mobile devices has surpassed those who use a desktop.


Search Engine Optimization. Moz.com defines it best, "Despite the acronym, SEO is as much about people as it is about search engines themselves. It's about understanding what people are searching for online, the answers they are seeking, the words they're using, and the type of content they wish to consume." We can give you a hundred statistics on why SEO is essential, but let me ask you just this one question: when was the last time you navigated to the second page of your Google search results? Personally, I can't remember the last time (if ever). It's the same for the 75% of people surveyed by Hubspot. To get on that first results page, you need SEO.


Hard (but real) truth: confused, frustrated prospects don't buy. Creating user-friendly website navigation is far more complex and nuanced than meets the eye. It is intuitive, simple, and easy for visitors to find what they need quickly. And it needs to be accessible. "Accessibility is essential for developers and organizations that want to create high-quality websites and web tools, and not exclude people from using their products and services," says the Web Accessibility Initiative. We could not agree more.



Poor website loading speed can be extremely harmful to businesses, and let's face it, is also just plain annoying. According to Business.com, most consumers expect a web page to load in two seconds or less. 79% of shoppers report they would not return to purchase from a slow loading website, and 44% of these people would tell their friends to avoid that website as well. Yikes.

Time Savings

Time is money. And when it comes to your website, a professional website designer is invaluable. Truly. Not only saving you the time (and learning curve) it would take to update your website but also the time needed to streamline any online services or expanded capabilities. The more your website can do for you, the more leads (and sales) you bring in.

Not convinced? Read the ugly truth here.


How AML Can Help

If you have any concerns moving forward with updating your website, online strategy, and how it can help achieve your business goals, we would be happy to schedule a call to discuss any of the essentials above and other options to help refine your website.


About Aerospace Marketing Lab

Aerospace Marketing Lab brings more than 20 years of aerospace marketing, sales, branding, and strategy development experience and insight to every customer. We understand aerospace’s complex marketing and sales models. We use this insider knowledge to break boundaries and raise aerospace and defense clients to the next level.