Summer Social Series: Facebook

We are so excited to finally start this series! We are starting out with the most populated social media platform. Let's get the Facebook facts.*


Year Founded:
  Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, his roommates, and fellow students at Harvard College in October 2004 (if you haven't seen The Social Network, take a pause from reading this to add it to your Netflix queue). 

Users: 2.8 billion

Primary Audience: Generation X and Millennials

Demographics Breakdown:

  • Largest age group: 25-34 (26.3%)
  • Female v male users: 44% to 56% 
  • 63% of U.S. adults over the age of 12 use this social network
  • Only 46% of adults in the U.S. over the age of 65 use Facebook - but seniors happen to be the fastest-growing age demographic on the site
  • Facebook is the most popular social network in rural areas

Average Time Spent on Facebook Every Day: 38 minutes

Best Industry impact: B2C

Best for: Brand awareness; advertising

Fun Fact: It is considered one of the "Big Five" companies in U.S. information technology, alongside Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. Facebook offers other products and services beyond its social networking platform, including Facebook Messenger, Facebook Watch, and Facebook Portal. It also has acquired Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, Giphy, and Mapillary.

Key Takeaways:

  • Surprisingly, despite ongoing, extremely-publicized controversies (and we'd argue better competition), Facebook still remains the most-used social platform with the highest engagement levels.
  • If your target audience is in the boomer generation, Facebook is the prime place to run ads, particularly among demographics with more money to spend.
  • The perception that the younger generations have completely ditched Facebook isn't entirely accurate. Still, as highlighted by some of our additional social media demographics below, it's definitely not the younger crowd's #1 platform.
  • Follow-through, follow-through, follow-through. If you set up a Facebook page for your business, ensure it stays fresh and up-to-date with relevant content the focuses both on your business as well as the aerospace industry as a whole. Chances are good that your potential customers visit your Facebook page early and often to sniff out more information about your company and how you position and talk about yourself online. And no one likes sifting through an underdeveloped, unorganized, or stale Facebook page.
  • Facebook is full of special interest groups that focus on aviation and aerospace (like this one or this one). These are an easy way to stay clued in on what existing or future customers are talking about or what specific pain points they are currently experiencing. 
  • Due to Facebook's sheer size and engagement rate, it makes sense to advertise there in some way, shape, or form (even if that means cross-posting) - in fact, Facebook's ad revenue and general usage have been up - even in the midst of COVID-19. Again, the platform remains many people's "home base" when it comes to social media. You can easily define goals per each advertisement, and bonus points for incorporating geofencing should you want to target a specific location, let's say, during a major event (like NBAA BACE in Las Vegas).

Interested to know how you can rock your Facebook feed for your business? Contact our team today, and we'll break down our solutions that can help you achieve optimal social success.

What's Next: Twitter

Tweet, tweet, coming up next is an overview on Twitter (but no promises it'll be 280 characters or less).  

About Aerospace Marketing Lab

Aerospace Marketing Lab brings more than 20 years of aerospace marketing, sales, branding, and strategy development experience and insight to every customer. We understand aerospace’s complex marketing and sales models. We use this insider knowledge to break boundaries and raise aerospace and defense clients to the next level.

*When evaluating social media platforms, AML utilizes information collected from publicly obtained resources.