Start Planning Now: The 2018 A&D Trade Show Directory is Here

BDN_TSDir2018_800x434.jpegAs much as marketing is changing, face-to-face marketing remains the go-to-tactic in B2B industries like ours. According to Forrester Research, B2B marketers spend more on trade shows, conferences and events than on any other marketing tactic.

And in aviation, aerospace and defense, where relationships are everything, this is really no surprise. Trade shows remain a vital link with customers and prospects, and continue to be an essential part of tactical plans everywhere.

That's why, year after year, this handy directory of more than 150 aerospace, defense and aviation events is our most popular download. It’s the ultimate industry event reference — and it's available to you now at no cost, exclusively from BDN Aerospace Marketing.

With the new year just weeks away, download your 2018 A&D Trade Show Directory today, and check back later this year for updates. We will continue to add events as organizers finalize and make new details available.

If you’re interested in aviation, aerospace and defense trade shows and would like to learn more, you may also find these additional references helpful.

Trade shows, events and conferences are important opportunities for aerospace industry marketers. Before you commit to a schedule for the year, carefully consider and evaluate what you’ll get for your investment. This checklist will help .

Your company likely spends significant resources each year on industry trade show-related expenses. Learn how to choose the right shows, implement an effective pre-show, at-show and post-show strategy, and understand how to gauge success. Download “ Best Practices in A&D Event Planning, Attendance and Measurement  <> .”