Email Marketing - A Beginner's Guide

Email Marketing can be defined as promoting products or services for customers’ acquisition and retention through email. Let’s review the basics.


There are different types of emails for different avenues of information*

Business-As-Usual Emails are what drive the main conversation with an audience; promotional emails, educational information, or announcements.

Triggered Emails are sent based on certain consumer lifecycle stages: sending a welcome email, milestone emails, transactional emails, and re-engagement emails.

Lead Nurturing Emails are a series of emails with a coherent purpose guiding your warm leads through the sales funnel with a goal of converting them to customers. For these types of emails to work, trust needs to be built and maintained in the company/consumer relationship. 

For example, Aerospace Marketing Lab uses our own marketing automation system to send aerospace marketing professionals an eye-catching offer to help improve their marketing with a complimentary consultation. We were able to track those who opened the email, those who clicked through to our website, and, of course, those who requested a consultation. The result? Three qualified leads, two sizable new clients, and a growing list of prospects for future communication and nurturing.

*This is not an exhaustive list. Because that list would be exhausting.

Your email marketing is only as good as your metrics.

Here are the classic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Bounce rate — the number of emails not delivered to subscribers’ inboxes.
  • Open rate — the number of opened emails.
  • Click-through rate — the number of users who opened and clicked the links in the emails.
  • Unsubscribe rate — the number of recipients who clicked the unsubscribe link.
  • Spam complaint rate — the number of users who flagged your emails as spam.
  • Conversion rate — the number of users who performed the desired action: a purchase, a download or a subscription.

Last, but definitely not least: Your targeted audience.

Note: The subscribers on your email list need to have opted-in to receive information, updates, discounts, and other details about your business in a digital format. Do not buy a list from a professional organization and do not simply type in the emails from various business cards you acquired at the last trade show you attended. Again, your subscribers need to have opted-in to receiving information.

Knowing your audience is where the real work comes in. The epitome of a consumer is the question, “What’s in it for me?” By knowing, understanding, and being able to communicate the value you provide, the better your audience will understand, and more importantly, trust you as an expert in your product, service, and industry. 

Imagine you are sending out an email to your target market of mid-level purchasers in the aviation industry. Which email will you send?

  • Email 1
    Subject Line: Jerry, you’ll thank yourself later…
    From: Tyler at ABC Aerospace
  • Email 2
    Subject Line: ABC Aerospace Weekly Newsletter
    From: ABC Aerospace

Here’s why you should send (and why Mid-Level Purchaser Jerry opened) Email 1:

  • Personalization increases open rates by 15%
  • A sense of urgency and relevancy to your purchaser promotes opens
  • Always send emails from a person and not an organization

In truth, every email is an opportunity to maintain (or lose) your place in a recipient’s inbox, therefore we cannot stress enough the need to have strategy in place for not only the basics discussed above, but also for A/B testing, audience segmentation, and goals to optimize website landing page views.

Overwhelmed? This is where Aerospace Marketing Lab steps in. We are a marketing agency exclusively for the Aerospace & Defense industry. Contact us!

About Aerospace Marketing Lab

Aerospace Marketing Lab brings more than 20 years of complex aerospace marketing, sales, branding, and strategy development experience and insight to every customer. We understand aerospace’s complex marketing and sales models. We use this insider knowledge to break boundaries and raise aerospace and defense clients to the next level.