Audio: Let's Talk Aerospace Advertising in the 21st Century

Client-Trend-Chart-2017-2.jpgThe numbers don't lie. Advertising budgets are in decline, and digital spending is now going head-to-head with print.

Clients and colleagues ask us questions — lots of questions — about advertising.

  • When should I advertise?
  • How much should I spend?
  • How much do other people spend?

So this week we discuss the relevance and rules of print advertising for aerospace and defense in the 21st century. Here are some highlights from the podcast featuring BDN Partner Kyle Davis and Senior Designer Nick Markwardt. Listen to the full podcast below.

Podcast Highlights

On frequency: “Go big or go home. You have to invest. You can’t just run one ad.”

Regarding pay for play: “There is a growing tendency to link editorial and advertising. It’s financially driven, and in many cases, the firewall is weakening.”

On negotiating prices: “Yes, you can usually negotiate, but treat publications with respect. This is not a tchotchke stand in Tijuana.”

Regarding ad reps and publishers: “Maybe you can’t afford an agency, and that’s OK. Let publishers and ad reps help you. Be honest about your budget and what you are trying to accomplish. They may have creative solutions that will help.”

On the decline of print advertising: “We started our business as an ad agency, so it’s sad to see the decline, but that’s the reality of what's happening." These charts clearly show real-world declines in print spending, and the increase in digital investments among aerospace and defense businesses. 

Client Budget Trends 2017-3.jpg


For more information on the changing role of advertising in aerospace and defense, see: