8 Things to Stop Spending Marketing Money On Right Now

We regularly hear from aerospace and aviation marketing professionals who are dealing with tight or shrinking budgets. That’s why this week’s blog includes 8 actionable ideas about things you can stop spending money on right now.


Put your checkbook away and let’s get started.

1. Search engine optimization programs

Don’t spend money on an outside firm that promises you the world. Instead, keep your website fresh with current, every-changing content. Right now, under current Google algorithms, it’s the single-best way to make sure your business gets found.

2. Excessive printing

From advertising to brochures, there are some times when print makes sense. But there are also far too many instances of money spent unnecessarily and/or unwisely. Our advice? Scrutinize anything print extremely carefully in terms of its expected return. And speaking of print…

3. Shipping collateral

Going to a trade show? Save on shipping cost and/or give your luggage a break by leaving the boxes of paper behind. Print tear sheets and brochures locally and have them delivered directly to your hotel or booth. The proliferation of digital print on-demand allows you to print just what you need when you need it (design your collateral accordingly). 

4. Amateur photography

Spending anything on so-so quality photography is always a bad idea for your brand and your marketing. High-quality photography is worth the investment every time.

5. Lists

In our experience, most industry lists are incomplete and inaccurate, and using them is an exercise in frustration. The only way to get a top quality list you can count on is to create it yourself.

6. Anything that doesn't include a CTA

Don’t waste your time and money on email campaigns and digital banner ads if they don’t include a call to action (CTA). Give your audience members a way to reach out and interact with you.

7. Shiny marketing tactics

Quit wasting your time and money on random marketing tactics that don’t support your overall strategic plan. Only commit to tactics that are measurable and align to your business goals and objectives.

8. Worn out marketing tactics

Experience tells us that our industry can be slow to embrace new ideas, but new ways of thinking are essential to effective marketing. The same old tactics will produce the same old results. Marketing is evolving at a rapid pace outside of our industry and we can use that intelligence to draw new ideas that may provide something fruitful that ultimately aligns to our goals. In order to try these new ideas, you may need to shift some spend from other areas in marketing to support it. The bottom line? Be willing to unfund something old to try something new.

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