Website Analytics + You: 5 Essentials Your Website Should Tell You

Collecting and interpreting data from your website is essential to online marketing success - and at Aerospace Marketing Lab, we would argue that it’s essential to the overall success of a business.

Let’s think this through: You know you need a marketing strategy. And you may even have one, but do you know what your keywords are and why they were chosen? Who your aviation business should be targeting? What publications are drawing the most intrigue based on website performance?


Web analytics answers the ‘why’ behind your marketing strategy. After collecting the data from your business website, you can analyze and make informed decisions based on what it says. Analytics can give you the keywords, highlight geographic locations for your users, and prove effective in creating strategies to improve your business leads, sales, and profits. 

5 Essentials To Extract From Your Website & How To Use Them

  1. Keywords: Keywords are the topics that define what you are about. Keywords are essential because they are the bridge between what people are searching for and the content you are providing. Data will help you sort the most effective organic keywords (ones that generate the most traffic to your site) and top web queries (web search terms that drove traffic to your site).

  2. Traffic: Website traffic refers to site users who visit a website. It can be measured in visits, known as “sessions.” Sessions are a group of interactions one user takes within a given time frame on your website. This metric helps us to understand total traffic or visits to a website. When interpreting session and traffic it’s vital to cross reference the highest performing months and corresponding marketing strategies, events, and other industry related news during that time to see if there were any direct marketing tactics that may have resulted in the uptick in traffic.

  3. Engagement: Engagement is the act of staying on the site and taking actions such as viewing multiple pages of your website or downloading content. Engagement is measured as a percentage with reference to the amount of time spent on the site and the total unique visitors in the given time. Side Note: The inverse of engagement rate is the bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of users who visit and exit your site without viewing a second page or meeting Google’s minimal interaction requirement.

    Aerospace Marketing Lab generally suggests that in order to build and maintain momentum and engagement, new content is regularly published on a site to keep it fresh and audiences engaged. Focus on your top performing pages and use those as guidelines for content - what can you highlight, post, and write about? After consistent engagement on a site, the next step for an interested user is lead generation.

  4. Lead Generation: Lead Generation is the culmination of consumer interest in services or products of a business. Leads can be generated for building an email list, sales, or user demographic acquisition. Similarly to website traffic, analyze leads by when they are made. Are there any corresponding marketing strategies that were happening during spikes in lead generation? What blogs were published around that time? Was there breaking industry news during that time?

  5. User Geolocation: User Geolocation is the geographical location of a person - or device - by which your site has been viewed. User Geolocation is useful for a couple things, though primarily for ads. By knowing the location of your users, you can better target and be more efficient with ad funds and location based searches for your services or products.

What Next?

At Aerospace Marketing Lab, we pull data using Google Analytics (yes, it’s free!), site form submissions, SEMRush, and other online tools. We recommend reviewing the top content by page - what downloads, keywords, and geographic locations are included - and use that information to help guide and build a marketing plan.

If you have any concerns moving forward with your strategy and how it can help achieve your business goals, we would be happy to schedule a call to discuss any of the essentials above and other options to help find the data and refine your marketing strategy.


About Aerospace Marketing Lab

Aerospace Marketing Lab brings more than 20 years of aerospace marketing, sales, branding, and strategy development experience and insight to every customer. We understand aerospace’s complex marketing and sales models. We use this insider knowledge to break boundaries and raise aerospace and defense clients to the next level.